1st July 2019
Who doesn’t love a fapping huge split-five? Especially when it’s a classic design, with a smattering of concave goodness, where the spokes go all the way to the edge to make it look even bigger!
1st July 2019
Who doesn’t love a fapping huge split-five? Especially when it’s a classic design, with a smattering of concave goodness, where the spokes go all the way to the edge to make it look even bigger!
8th April 2019
If you like your rim designs a little on the chunk-tastic side, these new AD5s from British wheel firm, Wolfrace, could be right up your proverbial ally...
27th February 2019
This new Lucca, which is part of their infinitely popular Eurosport lineup, is one of their freshest rims to date. A slabby, split-spoke spider design, we reckon it’s solidly stout, almost Germanic, in appearance...
13th September 2017
How’s this one for a bargain? This large-diameter bruiser from German firm Alutec is now available here in the UK, through distribution behemoth Wolfrace wheels.
17th August 2017
The classic five-spoker has been a modding staple for decades now, and that’s probably because they’ll suit just about anything you care to bolt them to...
7th July 2014
We’re loving the first new design from thoroughly high-end German wheel maestros ATS for 2014. In fact, we actually love the sweet design so much we’ll even forgive their dodgy spelling!
4th June 2014
Say hello to the latest wheel from Wolfrace - the Roadstar...
17th January 2014
Just in time for winter, Wolfrace have just dropped these cool split five-spoke O.E-style rims
12th August 2013
Big is most certainly back this season and, we have to say, this new Renaissance from Wolf Design pushes all of our magic buttons at once.
4th July 2013
Following on from the 2013 launches of the Ultra-Lite and Pro-Lite, Wolfrace are back again with the new Blitz 2 - the latest design launched into the Eurosport range.
5th June 2013
Wolfrace, have just announced the release of two new Wolfrace TrackReady alloy wheels...
3rd April 2013
The awesome Lionhart range, brought to the UK by Wolfrace wheels, caused a proper storm last year when they landed in all their thoroughly high-quality, classically-designed goodness.
26th February 2013
Specifically developed for motors of the Deutsche persuasion, they’ve brought in five new 18-inchers to tickle even the most Germanic of fancies.
11th July 2012
Does Foliatec Spray Film actually work? We find out...