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If you want to work smarter, not harder, 3D Speed is the car polish for you. Promising to compound, polish and wax in one easy step, it sounds like a dream come true. I put it through its paces to see if it really is as good as it sounds.
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How I tested 3D Speed Car Polish
I used a test panel that had been washed and clayed beforehand to ensure that there was no wax residue left. Then I dried the panel and used a gloss meter to take a gloss reading before I did any polishing. I applied 3D Speed All-In-One Correction Glaze to a polishing pad and did four sets of four passes in alternating directions. Any product residue was wiped off, and then the gloss was measured again. Finally, I used a Meguiar’s MT103 Sunlight 3+ Detailer Inspection Light to check for surface clarity and remaining imperfections.

What 3D says
According to 3D, 3D Speed is the most popular AIO (all-in-one) product on the market in the world. The company says it’s fast and easy to work with and can be used with any type of machine. 3D makes its own abrasives in its privately owned manufacturing plant based on its own research and development by its team of in-house chemists. 3D Speed first acts as a compound to remove swirls, scratches and water spots. Next, polishing agents refine the surface to leave a high-gloss shine. Finally, 3D Speed leaves behind a layer of synthetic paint sealant blended with Montan wax. It certainly sounds impressive, and if it performs, this could be the only polish you’ll ever need…

What it’s like to use 3D Speed Car Polish
3D Speed is a very nice polish to work with. It’s not too wet on the pad, and there’s very little sling as you work it into the panel. This means there’s less cleaning during and after the polishing process. It spreads very nicely as you go, and a little definitely goes a long way. It took a few wipes to remove the 3D Speed residue from the panel, and the results were instantly visible, even before I did any measuring. The test panel was in a right state beforehand, and 3D Speed did amazing work to deliver an incredibly shiny test section.
3D says that 3D Speed’s polishing agents have been designed to deliver maximum D.O.I or distinction of image, and I can’t argue with that. It delivered a very impressive increase in gloss, and the inspection light showed very few remaining surface marks. I reckon if you worked 3D Speed even longer to allow the polishing agents to really refine the finish, you’d get even better results.

There’s no such thing as perfection, but 3D Speed comes very close indeed. While it’s not the best in terms of gloss or cut, what it delivers is very strong results in each area. That makes it the ultimate all-rounder. It has enough cut to get rid of heavy surface marks and imperfections. The polishing agents then refine that finish to deliver very impressive gloss. And the icing on the cake is the protection it leaves behind.
Once you’ve polished a panel and wiped it off, you’re done – you don’t need to do anything else. 3D Speed is an awesome all-in-one that makes paint correction so much quicker and easier. If you’re looking for pretty much the perfect all-round compound and polish, this is it.