Discovery has announced a new series of hugely popular motoring franchise Fifth Gear, commissioned for entertainment channel Quest. The new series will see the return of hosts Jason Plato, Vicki Butler-Henderson, Jonny Smith and Jimmy De Ville as they test and compare a range of cars.
The brand-new series features more team tests, fast track drives, road trips and practical tests. Plato and former F1 driver Karun Chandhok will be going head to head in shoot-outs.; Jonny Smith will be covering stories from the motoring world; Vicki Butler-Henderson will be testing some modern classics; and engineer Jimmy DeVille will be delving into the history and design of some iconic cars.
Simon Downing – Head of Channels Quest and Eurosport, Discovery said: “We are looking forward to taking Quest’s automotive fans on another journey with the experts at Fifth Gear, as they take on new motoring challenges. This series sees the return of well-known and self-confessed petrol heads Jason, Vicki, Jimmy, Jonny and guest presenter Karun, and promises to be the most high-octane yet.”
North One’s CEO, Neil Duncanson, said “Over the years we’ve seen so many car shows come and go, but Fifth Gear has consistently stood the test of time. The reason for that is simple, it’s a real car show, presented by real drivers and real car experts. Car fans are becoming more and more discerning and this show delivers what they want – a car show packed full of information and take-out that is entertaining; rather than an entertainment show that happens to have a few cars in it.”
You can watch a preview of the show on Fast Car’s Facebook page. The first episode premieres on October 3 at 9pm on Quest.